Maureen Daday

Call me: Mo

Major: Nursing

Dorm: McCandless

Hobby: Watching movies

Favorite movie: She's the Man

Favorite book: The Hunger Games

Favorite musician: Zac Brown Band

Best dining hall: South

Best dining hall meal: I'm not sure, I haven't found it yet.

Favorite spot on campus: On Saint Mary's campus, right in front of Haggar Hall, there is a small pond with a fountain in it and a little island that you can walk over a bridge to get to! It is a great place to study, hang out with friends on, or just walk by.

Best part of game day: Concert on the steps because you can look out on the huge crowd and know that all of those people came just to watch the band!

Favorite quotation: Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. - Dr. Seuss

Never have I ever: Been on a cruise

Fun fact: I love ice cream!