

The Eighties

Miscellaneous Topics

1. The Seventies - CNN documentary series - on Netflix as of March 2018

- Episode 1: Television Gets Real

- Episode 2: The US v. Nixon - see Watergate section below

- Episode 3: Peace With Honor

- Episode 4: Crimes & Cults

- Episode 5: The State of the Union is Not Good

- Episode 6: The Battle of the Sexes

- Episode 7: Terrorism at Home and Abroad

- Episode 8: What's Goin' On

2. Watergate handout (see pdf attached below)


1. All The President's Men, Revisited 2014 (90 minutes) Half focused on the 1976 film, half on the events. Robert Redford narrates primary footage and recent interviews with key historical figures, notable celebrities who watched it unfold, and journalists / academics.

2. The Seventies - Episode 2: The US v. Nixon - 42 minutes - link is to Vimeo, also on Netflix - 2014

3. Slow Burn - podcast - from - 8 audio episodes, about 30 minutes each - 2017/2018

4. Watergate Key Players - Washington Post


1. packet (notes, maps, pictures, etc) link to pdf - download, have available while you watch lectures

2. overview lectures (three videos) lecture #1 lecture #2 lecture #3

Periods 2-3

Periods 4-5

Periods 6-7