Haiti Unit

Howard Zinn-related materials

1. Want to read more Zinn? Buy it! It is readily available. Used copies on Amazon will cost you about $10. Or, follow this Link to full text of Zinn's book. Also, read this fascinating note (written in 2010).

2. A KAP student directed me to this TED talk by Chimamanda Adichie who talks about "The Danger of a single story." 17 minutes. This TED talk goes along with Zinn very well . . . but explains it in a very different way, one that really helped me to understand the importance and power of many stories. Also. it relates to what we've been talking about regarding Haiti. Listen to Chimamanda Adichie and write about her.

Haiti Information Sources

1. Library of Congress - Haiti "country page" - great research site, well organized, user friendly

2. video clip of segment from CBS This Morning "A Brief History of Haiti" published soon after the 2010 earthquake (6 min).

3. CBC 1963 film "Life and Death in Haiti" (10 min)

4. Jacob Lawrence - Toussant

5. Turbulent Haiti - newsreel

6. CIA Haiti Report - 1963

7. Clinton speech - 1996? Haiti intervention

8. Marines help Haiti newsreel

Articles / videos related to No Reservations film on Haiti by Anthony Bourdain

The New Republic (June 2014)

Time Magazine (2011) specifically on the episode we watched. Great reflection. (Reads like a good American Humanities journal!)

Travel Channel page on Bourdain's Haiti episode

Vanity Fair (2010)

Newsweek (by Sean Penn, 2014)

The Economist (on the Oloffson Hotel, 2011)

Bourdain interviewed for Archive of American Television about his Haiti episode (5 minutes)

MBM - Farmer

Article by Farmer: O for the Poor, Structural Violence, Accompaniment

Video of Paul Farmer, Ophelia Dahl, and Jim Kim talking in 2009 with college freshmen at Dartmouth. You get to see their personalities come out ... Farmer and Dahl joking around about their relationship.

This I Believe - Paul Farmer (4 min audio)

Paul Farmer on the Colbert Report


Artifacts from Previous Years:

Scarface video


Cruise Ship 1 - initial film

Cruise Ship 2 - yellow rescue boat

Cruise Ship 3 - towing sailboat

Cruise Ship 4 - view from above

Cruise Ship 5 - empty sailboat towed away

Artifact #2 - Cubans - I couldn't embed the video directly, but here's the link. Here's another one: another newscast, same event.

We'll explain the assignment below later:


Assignment From Previous Years:



The Goals:

1. To exercise your brain so that it might become stronger.

2. To form and defend a personal idea about the influence of differing "perspectives" on the stories we tell.

3. To understand more thoroughly the forces that have shaped the nation of Haiti and the United States' relationship with that nation.

4. To write a research-based, comparison / contrast paper that shows your reader what your conclusion is.

The Prompt:

For a period of 19 years, the U.S. government sent an army of occupation to the country of Haiti. In class, we generated a list of questions about this intervention. Some of these questions are:

1. Why did the U.S. invade and occupy Haiti? (why did they do it when they did?)

2. What did we do while we were there?

3. What were the effects of our intervention there?

4. Why were we there for such a long period of time?

5. How did U.S. / World history affect the occupation?

6. What were the perspectives of various groups within the U.S. / World?

6B. What were the various perspectives (of non-Haitians) on the character/quality of the Haitian people?

7. What did the Haitians think and how did they respond?

8. Why did we leave? (why did we leave when we did)

Using the twelve documents below, explore the differing perspectives on the meaning of the U.S. military occupation of Haiti during the years 1915-1934.

As you study, please consider our discussion of Howard Zinn and the true meaning of what "history" is.

Focus your thinking (and your thesis) on this question:

How does the story of the occupation change based on who is telling the story (and when they are telling it)?

The Rubric:

Please see the attachment below (pdf format) titled "KAP Writing Rubric - Haiti Essay 2012"


Use these links to begin your study of the American-Haitian relations 1915-1934










Follow this link and find the article on pp. 497-511:



See the article below (pdf attachment) - AF Am Reaction to Occupation of Haiti


See article below (pdf attachment) - The Press and the Occupation of Haiti


Youtube Video...but more interesting is the post below the video, ostensibly written by the person who posted the video


http://www.gutenberg.org/files/35025/35025-h/35025-h.htm - James Weldon Johnson essay pamphlet


http://www.blackagendareport.com/content/citigroup%E2%80%99s-role-rape-haiti - "Citigroup's Role in the Rape of Haiti"


See the article below (pdf attachment) - Assessment of Haitian Occupation 1970


See the article below (pdf attachment) - Paul Douglas contemporary assessment of Haiti policy 1927


Frederick Douglass lecture on Haiti at the Chicago World's Fair in 1893 - Not about the Haitian Occupation, per se, but an interesting read ... some good primary source backgroud info http://memory.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/r?ammem/murray:@field%28DOCID+@lit%28lcrbmrpt2109div2%29%29

#14 - 1913 Note from Sec. of State Bryan to President Wilson about the benefits of making a new, cheaper loan to Haiti to replace their old loan which was more expensive.


#15 - link to Webster Univ. page with some interesting links to documents . . . need to search around . . . some "documents" are just the instructor's notes


#16 - interview transcript - Haitian testimony to the US Senate, 1922


#17 - Senate Report - 1922



See article below (pdf attachment) - 1964 Walter Posner academic article . . .