
The band performs at 4 competitions each year, all on October Saturdays.

Competition 101

At each competition, bands are divided into classes, usually based on school size. Bands compete within their classes for trophies and against all bands in the event for the “Grand Champion” or similar trophy. Bands are judged on a number of factors, which vary by competition but generally include some or all of the following:

  • Music

  • Marching

  • Effects

  • Overall show

  • Drum Majors

  • Percussion

  • Guard/Auxiliary

In addition to overall trophies, most competitions award “captions,” or awards in specific categories, such as drum majors, percussion, or Auxiliary.

What Students and Parents Need to Know

Call times will vary, depending on the performance times and distances traveled. Parents are welcome to travel separately from the band to attend competitions. (No parent chaperones are needed on the busses.) Students must travel with the band to the competition, but they may travel home with their parents. If you will be taking your child home in your car, you must first sign your student out with the band directors.

All competitions have modest entry fees. Concessions are available.

Students will need the following:

  • Grey shirt and shorts or long underwear. These items *must* be worn under their clothes. If the band does not change into uniform until arriving at the competition, they will be changing in the buses and must have their “greys” on already for modesty’s sake.

  • Food or Money to purchase food at concessions. The students will be gone several hours from the time they leave the school until they return.

  • A Jacket and/or Blanket. No matter how warm it is when the band leaves Mahomet, it will be cool by evening, when awards are announced. At this point, they will be in their street clothes and will need the warmth of a jacket.