Madrigal Dinners

The madrigal dinners take place the second weekend in December. There are three performances:

Usually these differ only by the amount of food served.  At the Saturday evening and Sunday matinee performances, a full meal is catered and served including tradional turkey dinner and bread pudding dessert. At the Saturday matinee performance only the dessert is served.

Performers include the madrigal singers; brass and recorder ensembles; and the servers, pages, and wenches, who join the madrigals in a mass song. 


Performers (singers, brass ensemble, and recorders) can order tickets beginning around November 1, online or by using a form provided by the directors. Tickets usually go on sale to the general public beginning at the fall choral concert. The public order form will be posted on the forms page of this website the day of the fall concert. We arrange seating as orders come in, so there is a benefit to ordering tickets early! 

2024 Public Ticket sales will be available through a link posted on the Madrigal Event page in early November.

Friday Setup

We turn the entryway, lobby, and commons area into a medieval castle. With everyone helping, we get this done in a few hours after school on Friday. (Some jobs, like ironing fabric and hanging banners, start during the school day.)

Madrigal  families sign  up for setup jobs at the parent preview night in August. 

Group Photos

We take group photos of all performers after the dessert performance on Saturday, so that's when  you'll want your cameras at hand!

Clean Up

As soon as the guests leave the "castle" after Sunday's performance, we need all hands to help take down and pack away the decorations. We're usually done by 6 or 6:30pm

Library Time

After cleanup, friends and family leave the school and the directors and madrigal singers have a special end-of-season time together in the school library. This sometimes takes a while, so new parents should expect a late night for their singers.