Madrigal Rehearsals

The madrigals meet for the first time the afternoon of the last day of school (right after the end of the last final exam period). During this first rehearsal, the directors will give the students their binders of music and a detailed rehearsal schedule.

With a few adjustments for holidays and other conflicts, the madrigals will rehearse:

    • Summer: Every Monday afternoon from the last day of school until the first week of the new school year.

    • Fall: Every Monday after school from the first week of the school year through September and every Monday and Wednesday after school from the first week of October through the week of madrigal dinners.

    • Winter: Every Wednesday after school from the first week of January through mid-March.

The madrigals memorize 24-26 songs each year. To accomplish this, the students must also practice individually outside of regular rehearsal times.