Personal Devices

Please review policy GCSA-R - Employee Computer and Internet Use Rules on the district website.

  An excerpt from the policy:  

J. Additional Rules for Use of Privately-Owned Digital Devices by Employees

 1. An employee who wishes to use a privately-owned digital device for work purposes must seek prior authorization from the technology coordinator and may be asked to complete an Employee Request to Use Privately-Owned Computer form. The form must be signed by the employee, the District principal or supervisor and the Technology Coordinator. There must be a legitimate work-related basis for any request. 

Personal Cell Phones:  Please ask your school administrator the rules regarding staff use of personal cell phones. For the purposes of the technology department, it is known that some staff use their cell phones to view school-related content and access district accounts - such as our Google domain mail. The district does not at this time require that staff who use their personal cell phones have them managed by the District and because of this, it is important that staff who access district accounts and/or student data on a personal device, know that the technology departments ability to protect that data and accounts when accessed on a personal device is very limited and that the staff member is assuming the responsibility of appropriate use in the protection of that data and accounts. If your personal cell phone is lost/stolen and you have accessed district accounts on your device, please contact the technology department so we may change your password to accounts that we manage. 

Student personal devices are not allowed without prior approval from the Director of Technology.