
Classroom Standards

Classrooms throughout the District have been outfitted with tools to support visual literacy and engagement, including:

  • Desktop computer, monitor, wired keyboard and mouse
  • Ceiling-mounted projector with VGA & RCA inputs
  • Document camera
  • Filtered Internet access over WIFI and wired connections

These resources are considered public--available to students and teachers (and those that use our facilities after-hours). As such, they should not be positioned in such a way that prevents the public from using them. Teachers will be assigned a Chromebook computer to support the private activities associated with their position--lesson planning, assessment, and professional development. These Chromebooks will be distributed during the 2016-17 school year.

School Standards

Your school will have additional technology resources available on a checkout/shared basis. Check with your school's leadership team to determine what is available for your use.

  • Computer Lab(s)
  • Mobile Laptop Cart(s)
  • Chromebook Cart(s)
  • Tablet Cart(s)
  • Interactive whiteboard (SMARTboard or ACTIVboard) - available in many locations; ask your principal if one is available for your classroom

What are the classroom standards for technology?

Technology hardware standards are outlined in the document, MPS District Standards for Classrooms/Worksites, 5/9/2005. Key points from that document include:

  • Extension cords are for temporary use only and may not be “daisy chained” together; surge protectors may not be “daisy chained” together.
  • Computer monitors, TV’s, and other heat generating appliances should not be placed near or underneath thermostats.
  • No modifications of the classroom or building may be made without prior approval from the Director of Facilities and the Superintendent. Examples include moving white boards or bulletin boards; moving T.V. mountings; moving of any bolted down or attached furniture or items; drilling or cutting holes in walls; electric or pneumatic sanding, except in approved shop facilities; and/or modifications to ceilings or furnishings.
  • Each classroom shall have a minimum of one “staff” computer and two “student” computers. No classroom shall have more than eight “box” computers without approval from Technology Services. The desired ratio of student computers to students is one to four.

How do I request the movement of technology equipment in my classroom?

Desktop computers/Computer Labs: Equipment moves, upgrades, replacements and installations must be approved by Tech Services and the applicable building Administrator on a case by case basis. Moving desktop computers is a rare occurrence; instead, staff should save their files and documents on a District shared drive or to the user's Google Drive so that they can be accessed on any computer. If you have questions about how to accomplish moving your files and documents, please contact a member of Technology Services. All approved moves of technology equipment are coordinated by Track-IT ticket. For more information, please review the Equipment Move Guidelines document.

Mounted Projectors & Interactive Whiteboards: Due to the cost and resulting damage of moving mounted projectors and whiteboards, these items will not be relocated once installed.

Mobile Laptop Carts: Please work with your campus tech to coordinate the movement of mobile carts in your building. For safety reasons, students should not move the equipment classroom to classroom.

How do I purchase new/additional equipment for my classroom?

  1. Plan ahead! The purchase process takes time, typically 30-90 days depending on the types of equipment needed and the number of people involved in making sure the purchase process has been followed according to District and State guidelines.
  2. Contact Robert Pohl, Coordinator for Digital Learning. Robert will work with you to identify the best technologies to meet the instructional needs of your students & program. He'll also work to make sure that the technology is compatible with existing hardware or determine if it will require additional service and upgrade. If the equipment requires mounting or installation, Robert will work with you to complete a site survey document. This step is essential to insuring that we buy the best tools and that they will meet the purpose for which they were purchased.
  3. Review Tech Standards - Together, you will review the Technology/Equipment Standards & Price List to determine if the tools you're requesting are "standard" or "non-standard."
  4. Submit the Request Form - Once you've determined the item is standard or non-standard, the purchase request should be given to your school's secretary using the Technology/Electronics Purchase Request form.
  5. Create a Track-IT ticket - The secretary will create a Track-IT work order for Technology Services to begin the purchase process following Technology/Electronics Purchase Procedure.
  6. Configuration & Inventory - Once the item has been received by Technology Services, they will inspect, configure, and inventory the equipment.
  7. Delivery - The equipment will be delivered and installed by Technology Services.

How do I request the surplus of old technology equipment from my classroom?

Technology surplus is initiated by a staff member by submitting a Track–it Work Order.

  1. Print and attach a copy of the Surplus Form to the equipment proposed for surplus, be sure to include the Track-IT ticket number under Procedure IV.
  2. Technology related surplus must remain in place until approved by Technology Services.
  3. Technology Services will evaluate the surplus item(s) for disposal or reassignment.
  4. Technology Services will attach surplus label to equipment if approved for surplus.
  5. Teacher or staff member will notify site office to have custodian place in staging area.
  6. Site will accumulate technology surplus in central location to be determined by building.
  7. Site secretary or lead custodian will submit a Maintenance Direct work order for pick up and transfer to DO Warehouse.
  8. Technology surplus items will be staged at the District Office Warehouse for processing.
  9. A list of surplus items will be presented for Board review and approval.
  10. A legal notice will be placed in the newspaper.
  11. A wait period of 30 days will be required.
  12. Recycling will be via an approved vendor.