MRHS Baseball Team Rules

Monmouth Regional Baseball Team Rules And Policies

            The following rules and policies have been developed as a guideline for all MRHS Baseball Players to follow and adhere to with no exceptions.  These guidelines will set the foundation for a successful and respected baseball program.  While it may be difficult at times to follow these rules, it is important to remember what has been mentioned earlier,  “As a Monmouth Regional Baseball Player, You not only represent yourself, but also your school, your parents, the Monmouth Athletic Program, the Monmouth Regional Baseball Program, and your Community.”  Your performance and success will not only be measured by wins and losses but also your conduct in the classroom, in the community, and in the locker room.  After careful consideration, the following rules and guidelines have been selected as what best exemplifies respectable appearance, attitude, and actions of a baseball player in this baseball program.


 Practices And Games

1)  Unexcused lateness for practice or games will not be tolerated.  Practice during the week will begin promptly at 2:30 pm unless told otherwise.  You should have your spikes on and be ready to begin.

2)  All players should dress warmly and according to the following criteria:


4)  All players should wear any combination of MRHS Baseball apparel or Black, Grey, Gold or White clothing.

5)  Always wear a hat (preferably MRHS or Black.) No Hat, No Practice.  No one should wear short sleeves outside until your coach permits the entire team.  It is recommended that all players wear several layers for warmth and muscular protection.

6)   Anyone unable to attend a practice/game must directly contact his coach.  Do Not send a message with a friend.  IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.

7)  If it is a necessity to come to practice late, it must be cleared directly with your coach ahead of time.  Leaving a message should only be done in an emergency situation.

8)  If practice is cancelled due to inclement weather, you will be contacted via “REMIND”.   It is your responsibility to sign up.  Team Captains may also contact you regarding events.  Also, please check our TEAM WEBSITE as it will be updated daily.

9)  No one will leave early without the coach’s approval in advance.

10)  Never wear your cleats inside the gymnasium or clubhouse/Locker room.

11)  Jewelry of any kind is not to be worn during practices and games.  It should be taken off before walking on the field or entering the gym.

12)  Everyone is expected to keep the locker room clean.  Do not leave trash around or clean your spikes in the sink or shower.

13)  Horseplay of any kind in the locker room or on team buses will not be tolerated and will be dealt with severely.  Think Before You Act.

14)  All coaches must be addressed as “COACH”.

15)   At no time should a player be disrespectful to a coach, teammate, umpire, opposing player, or fan.  Conduct yourself with class.  You never know who is evaluating you.

16)  Any disagreements with a coach or teammate should be discussed in private with your coach.

17)  Walking on or off the field is not permitted.  This reflects a poor attitude and is not representative of this program.

18)  During games, all players should be aware of their duties and carry them through to the best of their ability.  Players who are not directly in the game will be delegated responsibilities.  It is important to stay focused on the game.

19)  All pitchers are to ice down immediately after all games and practices.

20)  Report all injuries to your coach as soon as possible.  Please see the Trainer before going to your own physician unless it is an emergency.

21)  Communication with other opponents, media, or parents via twitter or face book is Unacceptable.

22)  PLEASE REMEMBER- Just because you order Falcon Baseball Gear, this does NOT guarantee that you will make the Team.  Buy equipment at your own discretion.

23) Playing time and concerns are to be discussed with the Player and Coach.

24) No Alcohol Tobacco or Drugs in our Program *Also School Policy*

25) Fighting with team members or opposing team members will be dealt with.

26) No hanging out or talking with spectators during a game or practice. Safety—Focus—Distraction.

27) Players must be in school by 9:00am or will not be allowed to practice or participate in a game.

28) If a player misses a practice or a game then that player would have to make up an additional practice or sit a game before they will be allowed to resume regular participation on the team.

 Please Click Below For Coaches and Parent Expectations Manual