For  Community,  Substitutes, & Volunteers

Substitute/Volunteer Information:

If you wish to become a substitute, please contact Carol at the SAU office @323-5088.  When your paperwork is complete with the SAU you can then view the items below and pick up a signature page or print one yourself.

If you wish to volunteer at school and will interact with or be involved with students in any way, please view the items below and pick up a signature page or print one yourself. Only those volunteers with a recent background check are permitted to be alone with students.  If you would like to do a background check, please contact Carol at the SAU 13 office.

Volunteer Renewal Form

SAU #13 Bullying Tool Kit-required to be reviewed by all Staff, Substitutes and Volunteers

How To Use An Epi Pen

Blood Borne Pathogens

A signature page is required for all volunteers and substitutes.  Please print and bring to the MES office or pick up a copy in the MES office.

Background Check Info:

In accordance with NH RSA189-13a, SAU13 requires all staff, substitutes, volunteers and contracted service providers to complete a criminal history records check through the NH Criminal Records Unit, with results received at the SAU#13 office, BEFORE they will be approved for hire and/or allowed in schools.



Background check results will be sent directly to the SAU office.

PLEASE NOTE: You will need your appointment confirmation (email or printed) and an ID with you when you go to your fingerprinting appointment. Please allow up to 4 weeks for fingerprint submissions to be processed.

State Police Criminal History Records Check Fees

Type of Background Check FBI & NH Clearance Fee Total Fees

Employee/Substitute/Contracted Service $48.25 $48.25

Volunteer $21.25 $21.25

In accordance with School Board Policy GBCD, you may request reimbursement for the cost of the Criminal Background Check.