2019-20 Courses at GHS

Classes take up a double period twice weekly

Courses being offered at GHS for fall of 2019 are listed below. Students may select other classes either on campus or online providing they meet the eligibility requirement for the course they select.

Which MC courses are available to dually enrolled students?

Use this link to the MCPS Dual Enrollment Credit Courses for the list of Montgomery College Courses approved for MCPS Students.

Enrollment for fall begins March 1

COMM 108 - Introduction to Human Communication Tuesday and Thursday 8.40 -10.10a

BSAD 101 - Intro to Business Monday and Wednesday 8.40 -10.10a

SOCY 105 Social Problems and Issues Tuesday and Thursday 8.40 -10.10a

MUSC 117 World Music Wednesday (lecture) 9.30 - 11.00a and Monday and Friday 9.30 - 11a (online)

Courses being offered at GHS for spring of 2020 are listed below. Students may select other classes either on campus or online providing they meet the eligibility requirement for the course they select.

Enrollment for spring 2020 begins November 1, 2019

COMM 108 - Introduction to Human Communication Tuesday and Thursday 9.45 -11.10a

ANTH 201 - Sociocultural Anthropology Monday and Wednesday 8.40 -10.10a

TVRA134 Media Apprciation Thursday (lecture) 9.30 - 11.00a and Monday and Friday 9.30 - 11a (online)

If you are considering a class on Rockville or Germantown campuses, or online see the GHS DEPA for additional information, as well as determining your academic eligibility for your course selection and selecting a class time to fit within your school schedule.

You can explore the Montgomery College class schedule by semester using this link: Montgomery College Dynamic Schedule

Gaithersburg High School and Montgomery College Rockville and Germantown Campuses

Dual enrollment students may travel on the Ride On buses between school and MC campuses free of charge or can use their own transportation.