Sp. 4 Syllabus

Classroom Procedures- Memes


Sra. Jennifer Ries


Web page: https://sites.google.com/a/maquoketa-v.k12.ia.us/spanish/

Class Overview

In this class you will review the key concepts from Spanish I and continue your studies of the Spanish language and culture. There will be a greater emphasis on verbs and verb tenses. There will be many opportunities for continuing your development of skills in listening, speaking, reading, writing, and understanding Hispanic culture.

Goals for this class:

  1. To be able to view our own world through others’ perspectives.

  2. To be able to successfully communicate in Spanish in the present and the past related to specific situations.

  3. To be able to identify the Hispanic influence in our lives.

National Foreign Language Standards

  1. To be able to understand the importance of learning a world language

Required Materials

EXPO Marker

(optional for whiteboard work)

Black or Dark Blue pens

Folder or 3 Ring Binder – to only be used for Spanish


An open-mind


Loose-leaf paper

(vocab work)

Class Principle

Creating a positive classroom where all students can learn and enjoy Spanish.

Be Respectful. Be Responsible. Be Alert.

Class Policies

1. Be prepared: Have your notebook, pen, pencil, & paper in class everyday. When the bell rings, be in your seat, or doing your ‘helper job’.

2. Participate: A large part of learning a foreign language is conversing in the language. Students are required to participate in class by answering class questions, asking questions, singing, and participating in group activities. Students will regularly work with their peers practicing oral communication.

3. Attendance: Success depends on active participation in the language. Therefore, attendance is very important. Since students have very little opportunity to hear or use the language outside of the classroom, parents should make every effort to ensure that their children are present. Tardiness interferes with the flow of the class.

4. Make up work: If you are absent and excused it is YOUR responsibility to contact me and get your make-up work. The assignment must be turned in within the designated period of time (2days for every excused day gone). Exception: When a student misses a test, the test will be made up on the day the student returns to class.

5. Homework: Assignments will be given on a regular basis. Assignments are due at the beginning of the period unless told otherwise. No homework Friday’s. IF I do give an assignment, you WILL have sufficient class time to complete it. It is your responsibility to get it done, so you do not you’ll have to take it home.

7. Respect: Show respect for your classmates, your teacher and yourself and the Spanish language and culture we are studying.

8.Cheating: Cheating is not allowed. If a student cheats on an assignment, quiz or test he or she will receive a zero. School policy will be followed in regards to cheating and the continuance of cheating. Some examples of cheating include: talking during a test/quiz (regardless of the subject of discussion), using an on-line translator, copying a classmate's homework, etc. Unless otherwise directed by me, students may not use software or the Internet to translate any material from English to Spanish for any assignment. THAT IS CONSIDERED CHEATING IN SPANISH!

No extra credit- I expect you to work hard every day of the year.

Late work will be accepted for correction but not for grading. All work is due on designated day. if you have an extenuating life circumstance it is YOUR responsibility to communicate that to me... and if you don't I assume that its not important to you.


Daily Work 20 % – Students are also expected to complete daily assignments and homework on time to the best of their ability.

Assessments 80 % – These include dialogues, skits, other presentations, essays, and other writing assignment culture projects etc. There will be one or more performance assessments for each chapter. For each day a project is late, the grade drops one full letter grade.

Grading Scale

A+ 100-97

A 96-94

A- 93-90

B+ 89-87

B 86-84

B- 83-80

C+ 79-77

C 76-74

C- 73-70

D+ 69-67

D 66-64

D- 63-60

F 59-1

Passes: Students will be allowed to use the bathroom or get a drink during appropriate times during class (seatwork). Students who abuse bathroom and drink privileges will not be allowed to leave the classroom. Students must bring all necessary materials to class and will not be allowed to go to their lockers during class.

At the end of class: Please stay in your seats until I dismiss you. When dismissed, please check under your desk for trash, and straighten your desks. Please exit the classroom politely and quietly, and most importantly the way you found it!

Food & Drink: Neither food nor pop are allowed in class. Do NOT bring either with you. WATER is acceptable all day every day.

Gum: Gum is not allowed in Spanish class except on test days.

Cell phones and iPods: They distract you from the topic at hand, Spanish. If it is distracting you from what you are suppose to be doing, it will go to the office. You have my full attention, I’d like yours.

Talking: There is to be no talking while the teacher is talking or while another student is talking.

Organization- It is very important with all the handouts and notes that we will take. I recommend a binder with dividers (to separate, vocabulary, grammar, cultural activities, and homework). I understand that all students find a different organizational system helpful.

Spanish “Get it Right” Plan

Goal: To make sure you’re truly LEARNING spanish.

When will it be implemented:

-If you get less than your best...

Action plan:

WHEN can I meet with Señora?

Before school (I’m here 7:30 every day)

During Señora’s PREP

During Homeroom

At 3:05- 3:30 (no extra-curricular, school comes first!)

Lunch (by apt only! I need to eat too!!)

*IT is VERY important to know that our classroom will NOT STOP. We will keep moving in material- new vocab, new grammar. What can you be doing to “get it right” the first time? (BRIANSTORM LIST HERE)