*What is Federal Work Study?

Federal Work Study (FWS) is financial aid based on financial need and must be earned through student employment. The FWS program is a need based program which provides jobs for students with financial need, allowing them to earn money to help pay education expenses.  The program encourages community service work and work related to their course of study.  Many college students successfully carry a normal academic course load of 12 to 18 credit hours per term while working on a part-time basis, Federal Work-Study is a useful option for students. Some students find it necessary or desirable to work part-time. They may find that they are better able to manage their time as they fit their work schedule into classes, studying, and personal commitments.

Additionally, FWS earnings will not be counted against eligibility on next year’s FAFSA. When completing the FAFSA, students should indicate their FWS earnings on the appropriate line so the earnings can be excluded from earned income. FWS wages are taxable by the Internal Revenue Service.

The program stimulates and promotes part-time employment for students in need of earnings to finance their educational expenses. Work-study jobs are not intended to replace existing staff positions.