Withdrawing a student...

Students must be withdrawn from their high school prior to entering a new one. It is important to understand the process of withdrawing a student.

Students withdrawing after the first day of school must return all textbooks, chromebooks and school materials prior to withdrawal and appropriate signatures must be obtained. It is a good idea to speak to your counselor prior to your last day to be aware of the process.

Here are some important points to consider:

  • Students in an Academy must have a letter of approval from the School of Choice office to withdraw to their zoned high school. Summer withdrawal forms are available in guidance and can be turned in to Academy direct

  • Students may not withdraw themselves from school prior to the age of 18. Overage students should speak to their grade level counselor about their options. Parents/guardian signatures are required for minors.

  • Truant students will be referred to the office of Child Welfare and Attendance.

  • Students withdrawing to begin homeschooling, MUST HAVE AN OFFICIAL APPROVAL LETTER FROM THE STATE.

    • Students withdrawing to enter the Youth Challenge Program or YCP must provide a copy of their acceptance letter in order to withdraw.