Richard Brooks

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Title: Wood for the Trees

A Verse Novella in Seven Cantos

ISBN: 978-1-8384398-4-2

Prices: 10.00 Sterling (Hard Copy)

2.00 Sterling (Digital Price in PDF)

Title: Touch Wood

ISBN: 978-1-910855-13-3

Pages: 80

Prices: 10.00 Sterling (Hard Copy)

2.00 Sterling (Digital Price in PDF)

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Title: Will Your Spirit Fly?

ISBN: 9781909252103


Prices: 10.00 Sterling (Hard Copy)

2.00 Sterling (Digital Price in PDF)

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Title: Metaphysical Flaw

ISBN: 978-1-907276-81-1

Pages: 64

Prices: 10.00 Sterling (Hard Copy)

2.00 Sterling (Digital Price in PDF)

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Title: Thirty Pieces of Saliva

ISBN: 9781907276477

Pages: 76

Prices: 10.00 Sterling (Hard Copy)

2.00 Sterling (Digital Price in PDF)

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