Mario Petrucci

Title: Dawn Ravens

(23 poems from Saadi and Rumi)

ISBN: 978-1-7397938-6-9

Pages: 40

Prices: 10.00 Sterling (Hard Copy)

4.00 Sterling (Digital Price in PDF)

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Dawn Ravens is a fascinating hybrid beast, part Rumi, part Saadi, part Petrucci. It is also a challenging - because unstable - text, a remarkable blend of ancient and modern, where traditional diction is played off against an excoriating contemporary loss. These are powerful cries of pain. Petrucci's inventiveness with form, and the intensity with which he drives the pathos, are real achievements.

Martyn Crucefix

Mario Petrucci is renowned for combining linguistic excitement with profound humanity. The only poet to have held residencies at the Imperial War Museum and with BBC Radio 3, his vast 3D poetry soundscape Tales from the Bridge was a centrepiece of London’s Cultural Olympiad and later shortlisted for the Ted Hughes Award. Heavy Water: a poem for Chernobyl (Enitharmon Press) won the Daily Telegraph / Arvon International Poetry Competition; it also gave rise to an internationally acclaimed poetry film (Seventh Art Productions). Petrucci’s translations include Eugenio Montale’s Xenia (Arc Publications), winner of a PEN Translates Award and shortlistee for the John Florio Prize, and Beloved: 81 poems from Hafez (Bloodaxe Books). The Daily Mail praised Petrucci’s Sappho (Perdika Press) as “Joltingly contemporary… extraordinarily vivid, brilliantly capturing the bitter-sweet ecstasy of desire.”