Alan Garvey

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Title: In the Wake of her Light

ISBN: 978-1-8384398-6-6

Prices: 10.00 Sterling (Physical Copy)

4.00 Sterling (Digital Price in PDF)

Note: Please contact the poet directly to purchase this title here.

Title: Terror Haza

ISBN: 9781907276019

Pages: 66

Prices: 10.00 Sterling (Physical Copy)

4.00 Sterling (Digital Price in PDF)

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Title: Learning to Crawl

ISBN: 9781905425747

Pages: 68

Prices: 10.00 Sterling (Physical Copy)

4.00 Sterling (Digital Price in PDF)

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Title: Herself in Air

ISBN: 9781905425433

Pages: 68

Prices: 10.00 Sterling (Physical Copy)

4.00 Sterling (Digital Price in PDF)

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