Alistair Graham

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Title: Streets of Belfast

ISBN 978-1-909252-16-5

Prices: 10.00 Sterling (Hard Copy)

4.00 Sterling (Digital Price in PDF)

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Title: War and Want

ISBN: 9781907276774

Pages: 56

Prices: 10.00 Sterling (Hard Copy)

4.00 Sterling (Digital Price in PDF)

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Sample Poem


The black box in a corner that fits

waiting for what is spent

no longer of use

Laid to rest

curled up like newborns

sleeping-out the world

Neatly tucked-in

awaiting the house-high hearse

that clinks up the empty streets

pausing at every home, in respect

to collect

All carried off to be made new

return, fresh with no baggage


born again

Copyright Text © Alistair Graham 2011

All rights reserved

The author has asserted her/his right under Section 77

of the Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988

to be identified as the author of this work.