Pestilence edited by Peter Pegnall and Gérard Noyau

Title: Pestilence - An anthology of poems and images written/produced as a response to the Covid virus disaster.

Edited by Peter Pegnall and Gérard Noyau

Featuring work from: Peter Pegnall, Moyra Donaldson, Naomi Foyle, Heidi Joffe, Jane Draycott, Joseph Woods, Damian Smyth, Sue Burge, Andrea Holland, Lesley Saunders, David Cristal, Charles Baudelaire, Matthew Caley, Julia Webb, Manuel Portela, Guillaume Apollinaire, Jules Supervielle, René Noyau

ISBN: 978-1-9163457-9-9

Pages: 112

Prices: 10.00 Sterling (Paperback)

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