EXAM for students
1. Signing up for your EXAM
Use Firefox- or Chrome (not IE)
If using a public computer, remember to clear browsing data
Sign up system with Lapin AMK account: https://exam.lapinamk.fi
You can change the language to English from a dropdown menu before login or after sign up you can press on the left side EN
During your first registration, you must accept The Code of Conduct of an Electronic Exam.
After signing up, use the enrollment link if you got from the teacher
Find and select the exam you want to take.
You’ll find all available exams sorted by faculty in alphabetical order. When you find the right exam, select it by clicking on it’s name. Read the instructions and click on Select exam.
Book a suitable timeslot from the rooms.
Calendar shows you the available times.
In the monthly calendar view, select a suitable day. Browse between months with text links. Days that include free exam slots are visualized with green colour.
To make the reservation, click on Confirmation, read the instructions and further click on Confirm registration
You will receive a confirmation email. Pay attention to the number of the computer (e.g. Tentti 2), this is the computer you must use
You can change or cancel your reservation before your exam takes place. Please cancel your reservation on time so that others can use it.
You may make a new reservation after your previous exam has been checked by the teacher
You can delete or change your registration before the exam starts, if needed. However, do this as soon as possible to make it available for others.
If you want to change the booked time, first you have to cancel the original time. Then you can book a new time.
If you want to take several (separate) exams after each other on the same day, remember not to make reservations on times on top of each other.
2. Taking the exam in the Exam room
Remember that it is required to have total silence at the examination room. The rules apply when you step in to the room even if your exam has not yet started. Electronic exam differs from the normal exam because it is supervised by cameras and done on computers. That is why there are more strict rules about how to act during your exam. Lapin AMK Exam facilities are located: Rovaniemi: Jovikäylä 11, C116A (4 computers), Kemi: Kosmos, 1114 (5 computers), Tornio, Minerva, 119.6 (1 computer).
Entering the exam
Class room doors will open 5 minutes before exam and will be open 20 minutes.
Leave all your belongings to the drawer that can be found in the exam room.
You are not allowed to bring jacket, phone, calculator, dictionary, books, pens, paper. This also includes snacks or water bottle.
You can start you exam anytime within your reserved timeslot. However, if you come late, your time available for the exam is shorter. If you enter the room late, be considerate to other students.
Find the right computer and follow the instructions by the computer. If you try to start the exam on a wrong machine, there will be a notification and information about the right one.
There is a recording camera surveillance system in the exam room which is used to supervise students taking the exam. Records may also be checked afterwards if there is any reason to suspect cheating.
Taking an exam
When you have logged in, you will find the list of questions and their highest scores in the menu at the left. On the top of the view, there is an egg clock that shows you the time left. In the middle of the view there is the list of questions and their answering situations.
You can answer to the questions in any order. You can for example first make notes for each question and then return to answer more thoroughly. Return from the question view to the main view with the Exam overview button.
The system autosaves you answer with few minutes intervals. Also moving between questions autosaves the answer. Note that if you delete your answer, the system may autosave the empty answer!
When you are ready, return to the overview. Be sure to attach any attachments before you finish the exam
Click there on the Submit! button. Remember to log out. You can leave the computer running.
Rules for the exam room
You are not allowed to leave the exam room before completing the exam. (No toilet visits!)
You are not allowed to talk with other students in the exam room.
Do not walk or move unnecessarily during your exam.
There is no technical support available during exams. If there is problem with your computer or e.g. fire alarm, leave the room and report the problem. You will be offered a new exam.
What to do in problem situations?
The computer does not start or does not work properly: check all cables and restart.
The browser (Firefox) does not start: Restart the computer.
The system gives an error message: close the browser and retry a few times.
The browser or computer jams or crashes in the middle of the exam: Restart the computer and browser, log in and continue with the exam.
EXAM for students -Instructions for the electronic examination called Exam