Study Tips for Middle and High School Students

Middle and High School students can struggle with the transition to online learning. Here are some ideas to help smooth that transition:

Getting Started:

For many individuals, starting remote learning can be very overwhelming. Whether you are transitioning from a different system of online schooling or a traditional public school, the whole format may be completely new to you. Things such as learning how to contact your teachers, checking your grades, managing your time well, staying organized, setting up a workspace or even setting up a schedule are all aspects that you will need to address and think about in order to succeed.

8 Tips for Middle and High Schoolers to Get Started in Online Schooling

5 Study Tips for Online School Students

6 Habits Of Successful Online Students

8 Tips to Help You Succeed in Online High School

8 Strategies For Getting The Most Out of an Online Class

How to Plan Your Day 1

How to Plan Your Day 2

Useful Websites for Organization

Evernote - allows students to organize files and notes in a variety of format. This would be good for classes that involve a lot of multimedia sources. Website:
