Study Tips for Elementary School

Helping your child to create an at-home school environment can be challenging, however, it is not impossible. Below are some tips and resources for creating an at-home school schedule and environment.

    • Juggling Zoom Schedules

      • Set alarms on a phone or computer

      • Encourage

  • Organization

      • Make a relaxed schedule.

      • Decide on expectations: is wearing PJs all day ok, or will everyone get dressed in school clothes in the morning?

      • Will everyone sleep in until noon, or be up and ready at 8?

      • Make time for cleaning up toys and school messes before bed.

  • Fun time

      • Make it clear that electronics are only for school work (or active games) and playtime is electronics-free.

      • Take 5-minute "brain breaks" (short dance breaks, stretching, or do some exercises) after every 30 minutes of learning.

      • Let kids be bored.

  • Learning

      • Read - Scholastic is offering free books and reading comprehension activities to encourage learning.

      • If your child isn't understanding a concept, try introducing it in a different format such as seeing the activity done, listening to how to do the activity, or engaging in the activity.

      • Keep learning interesting. Do experiments, and explore topics and hobbies that interest your kid(s).

  • Resources for Parents and Support People