How to Plan Your Day (Kristina's Perspective)

A good first step to planning your day and week is to try to maintain a sleep schedule. When you fall asleep at the same time and wake up at the same time every day, your energy will be higher and you will be able to focus more.

Planning your schoolwork on your own can be difficult at first but a good way to start is writing down when every assignment is due. This can allow you to create a schedule based on what needs to be completed first.

Try not to procrastinate everything into one day. Plan breaks for when you are studying. One suggestion is to study for 50 minutes and then take a 10-minute break. Or, study for an hour and take a 20-minute break. This allows your brain to process what it just learned.

A big tip that helped me when I first started online learning was to have a dedicated space to study in. This could be your desk or your kitchen table, anywhere except your bed. When you study in your bed, your brain begins to associate that space with work which in turn can mess up your sleep schedule.

Figure out how you learn best. This can take some time and get a little frustrating but if you can figure out how to take notes that will really help you when that big test comes around, you will be more successful in your learning.

The final tip I would suggest is to eliminate distractions. I learn best when I listen to music but if that doesn't work for you, get away from any distracting noises. Your phone is a big distraction. There are apps that you can get that set times where you won't be able to get onto certain apps such as Instagram or TikTok. Or, you could move your phone to a different room.

Don't forget that we are all in this together and your teachers are there to help so don't be afraid to reach out to them and ask for help when you need it. Once you fall behind, it is very challenging to catch back up.

Example Schedule:

Wake up: 7:30

Breakfast 7:45- 8:20

School: 9:00- 11:00

Break: 11:00-11:30

School: 11:30- 12:15

Lunch: 12:15- 12:45

School: 12:45- 2:30

Exersice: 2:30- 3:00

School: 3:00- 4:30

Free time (finish school)- 4:30- 6:00

Dinner: 6:00- 7:00

Family time- 7:00- 9:00

Free time/ bed: 9:00- whenever (I suggest going to bed by 11:30)

This schedule can vary on the day and the amount of school work. You can also study for longer and then have a longer break or study for a shorter amount of time and have shorter breaks in between.

Happy learning!