

  • To send an email. Click on the pen or plus at the bottom right of the screen. Enter in the recipient’s email address (or addresses), and a subject, and continue writing the email like you normally would. When done, tap the send icon.
  • To reply to an email. Select the email to open it. Find the arrow (often points to the left) and tap on it. It will create a new reply email that you can start typing in immediately. When you are ready to send tap the arrow pointing right.
  • If you want to sign out. Tap on the 3 lines in the top left hand corner, then click on your profile and manage account, and click sign out. However, you can log in with more than one email account. To do this, after you have clicked on your profile, click add account. Then click on one of the options for adding an email (probably going to be google). Then follow the instructions on the screen to complete adding another account.

Other Email Applications- Gmail isn’t the only option out there. There are many other email applications. Some email applications are free and others you pay for.

Cool Tricks

Finding Emails. Tap on the search bar at the top of the screen. Here, you can search for emails by content or people involved (such as who sent you an email, or who you sent an email to).

Organize your emails. Select the email you want to organize and open it. Tap on the three dots in the upper right hand corner, then click on change labels. Select one of the categories (you can even create your own categories). For example, you can create labels for projects you’re working on, or things to read later. However, you don’t need to set up labels for your contacts (such as Joe).

Swipe Actions. If you want to make an easy shortcut to deleting, archiving, or moving an email, there is an easy way to do this. Start by going to settings (three lines, then scroll down to settings), then click general settings, swipe actions, then click change next to either right or left swipe and you can choose what swiping right or left does such as mark as read/unread, snooze, move to, delete, archive, or none.