
IFIMUP researchers André Pereira, Hélder Crespo, João Ventura and Rosa Romero besides playing an active role in IFIMUP scientific research forefront have shown how the scientific knowledge developed in the academia, including in IFIMUP and in the University of Porto, can be transposed to the industry to develop well established companies. Already two spin offs have been funded including Sphere Ultrafast Photonics in 2013 and more recently i.nanoEnergy in 2017.

Sphere Ultraphast Photonics was founded in September 2013 By Hélder Crespo and Rosa Romero, from IFIMUP, and Anne L'Huillier, Miguel Miranda, Cord Arnold and Thomas Fordell from Lund University, Sweden. The company's efforts focus on ultra-fast laser systems providing new solutions for the control of these systems as well its measurements. The company products allow clients to achieve better performances of femtosecond lasers applications as well allows clients the study of new laser-matter interaction s at an incredible smaller time scale.

For more information click on the following link.

i.nanoEnergy was founded in 2017 by André Pereira, João Ventura, Joel Puga and Mariana Proença. "I.nanoEnegry offers consulting, designing and prototyping service of energy harvesting solution to feed small electronic devices". The company develops "custom-made flexible generators capable of converting wasted environmental energy into electricity, including in harsh environmental conditions (...) allows the user to take advantage of heat, movement and vibration to charge batteries or feed small devices, thereby improving the Internet of Things sensing capabilities",

For more information click on the following link.


project consists of the development of smart textiles that are themselves energy storage systems based on supercapacitors technology. The technology behind the production of this textile supercapacitor is a disruptive and innovative when compared to what exist in the market based on nanomaterials. The team is composed by 2 member of IFIMUP (Prof. André Pereira and the PhD student Rui Costa) and Clara Pereira from REQUIMTE (ex- Member of IFIMUP). WEStoreOnTEX’s work with disruptive technologies has been awarded at several entrepreneurship competitions such, 1 place of Startup-School of UPTEC, 3 place of iUP25K, the in the field of energy award and 2 place in the climate-launchpad. In 20017 was considered the best innovativation of the year by the media Exame Informatica which is the most important media looking to the future developments.

For more information click on the following link.

matFinder (www.matfinder.io) is an online platform where scientists and development engineers can find relevant information about the physical properties of a wide range of materials belonging to different classes, e.g. metals, polymers, ceramics. In this platform, users can search for materials by their properties and be redirected to the corresponding sellers. matFinder has two main goals: reduce the time spent in searching for materials and build a bridge between scientists/development engineers and the sellers. matFinder was founded by two Physics PhD researchers (at FCUP/IFIMUP), a Master in Physics Engineering (at FCUP/IFIMUP) and a Master in Computer Engineering (at FEUP). Currently, matFinder is launching its website and running an experimental test with interested companies.

For more information click on the following link.