Outreach and Scientific Events

IFIMUP has a Bureau for Outreach and Scientific Events that promotes IFIMUP research areas in schools, high school students, teachers, and the scientific community. The bureau also contributes to university teaching courses, in particular initial and continuous teacher training projects and activities.

The goal of the bureau is to establish a bridge between the university and high schools with scientific and technological research, in order to disseminate science to the general community.

Activities promoted by the Bureau:

  • Participation in "Open Days"
  • Talks and Seminars
  • Activities at schools
  • Visits to IFIMUP laboratories
  • Science Fairs
  • Research in physics communication (education and dissemination)
  • Middle and High school projects

Coordinator: Dr. Paulo Simeão Carvalho | E-mail: psimeao@fc.up.pt