
Service Request

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Prices for the X-ray diffractometry Laboratory can be seen here.

Prices for the Materials Laboratory can be seen here

Transport Properties Laboratory

Materials Laboratory

Raman spectroscopy

Micro-Raman and macro-Raman set-ups, with variable temperature (4.5 – 1500 K), applied magnetic field (up to 7 T) and applied pressure (up to 100 GPa). The 632.8, 514, and 488 m polarized lines of He-Ne, and argon lasers are available as excitation with adjustable incident power impinging on the sample. The spectral range is from 5 to 4000 cm-1, with a resolution better than 1.5 cm-1.

Contact: Dr. Joaquim Agostinho Moreira (

Home-built dual-color pump-probe system with record sub-10-fs resolution

This is a state-of-the-art time-resolved magneto-optic Kerr effect (TR-MOKE) apparatus based on a dual-colour scheme for the measurement of spin dynamics, observation of ultrafast demagnetization and precessional dynamics in ferromagnetic materials. By using hollow-fibre and chirped mirror pulse compression techniques it enables attaining an ultimate temporal resolution in the sub-10 fs range.

Contact: Dr. Helder Crespo (

SQUID Magnetometer

The magnetometer measures the strength of the magnetic moment produced by a magnetized sample with sensitivity of 10-8 emu. The device allows measurements sweeping the field up to 5.5 T and in the temperature range of 1.9 – 400 K. 

Contact: Dr. André Pereira (

X-Ray Diffractometry

The Rigaku SmartLab is a versatile high resolution diffractometer working in focusing and parallel beam geometry. Fast data collection is enabled by high flux Cu X-ray intensity via its 9 kW rotating anode. The system offers high-resolution data via a Johansson Ge Ka1 monochromator. With the elimination of Ka2 radiation overlapped diffraction peaks can easily be decomposed, thus this unit is recommended for indexing or ab-initio structure analysis. Besides stander powders diffraction, the diffractometer offers x-ray reflectivity measurements for thin film thickness, roughness and density determination; full pole figures and phi scans for crystallographic texture analysis; stress measurements; grazing incident diffraction for polycrystalline thin film and high-resolution rocking curves for film quality  assessment .

Contact: Dr. João Pedro Araújo (

Materials Laboratory

The materials laboratory of IFIMUP-IN can provide several kinds of services depending on the equipment selected. The following equipment is available:

Furnace # 1:

Tubular furnace has a diameter of approximately 4 cm and length 50 cm. The temperature ramps are made in ºC/hour with a minimum value of 1 ºC/hour.

The maximum temperature that it can work in continuous is 1100 ºC. It can work in vacuum, air, O2 or Ar flows.

Furnace # 2:

Square furnace has an area of approximately 15x10 cm2 and 25 cm of depth.

The temperature ramps are defined by introducing the time to reach the desired temperature. Therefore, the values of minimum ramp can be quite small. The maximum temperature ramp is 10 ºC/min. This oven has two operating positions, one to work with the door closed and another to work with the door open, where it is inserted a firebrick. The maximum temperature that it can work continuously is 1100 ºC. It can work in vacuum, air, O2 or Ar flows.

Aperiodic Generator:

The aperiodic generator is a high or medium frequency regulated voltage source. It contains primarily the following: a) thyristor AC controller; b) a voltage step up transformer for the vaccum triod HV supply; c) a rectifier stage connected as a silicon diode 6 pulse bridge; d) an oscillating cell including one or more triodes connected in parallel depending on the power required; e) the adapter autotransformer(s) referred to as aperiodic transformers enabling supplying of the downstream oscillating circuit at a lower voltage.

Contact: Dr. João Pedro Araújo (