Paulo Simeão Carvalho| Professor

Polarisable Materials and Functional Nanostructures & Scientific Outreach

Paulo Simeão graduated in Physics – experimental branch in 1988 and obtained his PhD in Physics in 1998 in the field of liquid crystals, at the Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto (FCUP). He is now assistant professor at the Physics and Astronomy Department, at FCUP. He works in the physics education area since 2000. His research focuses on physics education and scientific outreach, meaningful learning, active learning and development of digital educational resources. Paulo Simeão is also member of the directive board of Centro Ciência Viva of Vila do Conde.

Research Topics: Educational simulations, Video analysis, Active teaching and learning, Teacher training on Physics.


DFA-FCUP/Room 215

+351 22 0440345