Ana Silva | PhD Student

Ultrafast Lasers and Magnetodynamic Spectroscopies

Vibrational and Ultra-fast Laser Spectroscopies for Biomedicine

Master in Physics Engineering by the FCUP. In 2010 starts to work at IFIMUP, first in Mössbauer spectroscopy, then in the development of a TR-MOKE setup, followed by one year working at Sphere Ultrafast Photonics SA. In 2015 returns to IFIMUP to work in TR-MOKE spectroscopy. In 2016 started the PhD, dissertation entitled: "Ultrafast Dynamics on Ferromagnetic and Magneto-Plasmonic Nanostructured Systems".

Research Topics: Femtosecond spectroscopy, Magnetization dynamics, Ultrafast demagnetization, Ultrafast magneto-plasmonics


DFA-FCUP/Room 339

+351 22 040 2422