Early Release Days 


Kindergarten through Grade 5

On Wednesdays in the fall and spring months, K-5 elementary students are released early to provide staff with professional development training.  Please see specific dates and times below.

Early Release Dates

Please Note

Early Release Times 

Buttonball Lane School:  1:05 pm

Gideon Welles Grade 5:  12:30 pm

Hebron Avenue School:  1:25 pm

Hopewell School K–4:  1:25 pm

Naubuc School:  1:05 pm

Nayaug School:  1:25 pm

Grades 6 through 12

On four Thursdays during the school year students in grades 6-12 at GHS, SMS and GWS will be released early to provide teachers with professional learning opportunities. 

Thursday Early Release Dates

Early Release Times

Please Note