GHS Essence Awards

photo of awards table with vase and flowers and several acrylic awards dislayed

The GHS Essence Award is an integral part of the life of our school. Twice each year a limited number of students and adults are honored for distinguishing themselves as people of good character who live according to the values espoused in our Mission Statement and, in doing so, make significant contributions to our school community. 

GHS Guardians logo
Photo of three people each holding up an award and smiling.

GHS Essence Awards

Congratulations to our Spring 2024 GHS Essence Award Recipients!

Jay Washburn

History/Social Science Teacher

Ikma Inusah

Class of 2024

Ilakkiya Tamilarasu

Class of 2025

We thank them for the significant contributions they have made to the GHS School Community!

Nomination Process

Any member of the GHS community may nominate another member. This is accomplished by submitting a written essay that highlights the nominee’s contribution and explains how it reflects our school’s guiding principles. Our mission statement and 10 Pillars of Character are listed on this page (scroll below) for your reference. 

In the past, the selection committee has noted a wide variety in the quality of the nomination essays. The committee wishes every nominee to receive a fair judgment of his/her qualifications. Therefore, the committee is encouraging all nominators—students or adults—to submit well crafted essays. Students are encouraged to seek assistance from the Reading and Writing Center. 

2023-2024 Nomination Dates

Nominations for the Fall Semester may be submitted between Monday, November 6, and Friday, November 17,  2023.

Ceremony Date: Thursday, December 7, 2023.

Nominations for the Spring Semester may be submitted between Monday, April 1, and Friday, April 19, 2024.

Ceremony Date: Thursday, May 9, 2024.

To Nominate Someone:

The Essence Award Nomination Form is currently closed

Any questions regarding this process should be directed to Dr. Neagle.

Essence Award Ceremony

Award winners are notified by Dr. Neagle and announced during the school day. Nominators of award winners are expected to speak at the Essence Award Ceremonies and all students, staff, and families are welcome to attend to celebrate our awardees at these ceremonies. 

The award ceremonies will take place during a senior class Current Issues class and will be broadcast live to underclassmen during their homeroom period.

The next ceremony to celebrate recipients is currently scheduled for Thursday, May 9, 2024.

GHS Mission Statement

G L A S T O N B U R Y   H I G H   S C H O O L

inspires curiosity, cultivates learning,

and empowers students

to shape their lives

and our world. 

Past GHS Award Recipients

Please click here to review past recipients of the GHS Essence Awards

Additional Criteria:  The Ten Pillars of Character Education

1. Caring—for myself and those around me.

2. Citizenship—act as I expect others to act towards me.

3. Courage—do what is best for me and promote this courage in others.

4. Duty—do what is expected of me and hold myself and others accountable for our actions.

5. Fairness—be fair in my dealings with others and support others to do the same.

6. Honesty—in thought, action and deed and support others to be honest with me.

7. Respect—do what is necessary to respect myself and what is necessary for others to respect me as well.

8. Responsibility—take responsibility for my thoughts, actions and deeds & expect others to do the same.

9. Trustworthiness—trust myself to do the very best I can and do all that I can to allow others to trust me.

10. Work Ethic—always work hard to accomplish what is best for me and for others. This includes my family and friends and my school.