Course Outline


Course Outline

Mr. Amberger 

Updated January 2021

Contact me anytime - - School Phone 518.792.6564 - Twitter @ambergergfhs

Purpose of this class:

My promise to you is that you will use your experience in this class for the rest of your life, and you will be better prepared for career and college.

Grading and basic rules:


Please be in the classroom when the bell rings.  If you need to use the restroom, be reasonable about how much you leave the room, including for restroom breaks.  Ask, sign out, go, and come back in a reasonable amount of time.


I use a simple point based system.  Add up the total possible value of what was graded, then add up what you earned.  Divide them and that's your quarterly grade.

Grading for this class has a large subjective part.  I observe your technique and effort daily and assign grade(s) based on this.


Your observations, assignments and projects are worth a total of 1,000 possible points for the quarter.   You have earned 930 points.

930/1,000 = 93%.


I am generally flexible with accepting late work for a valid reason up to 1 week after the due date, but stay in contact with me about getting it submitted.  After 1 week there has to be an extenuating circumstance.

Your success is most important, so if there is something I can do to help, please speak with me.

I do not accept any late work after the quarter has ended.

How can you get a good grade for this class?