

39. Stubler, A.D., M. Sardine*, J.M. Carroll, C.M. Finelli. 2024. With or without nutrients, sponges are boring: no effect of inorganic nutrients on Clionaid sponge bioerosion of carbonate substrate. Marine Pollution Bulletin.

38. Carroll, J.M., W.K Annis ŧ, R.A. Cohen. 2024. The utility of ribbed mussels Guekensia demissa for marsh grass restoration on living shoreline projects in the southeast US: Potential and pitfalls. Estuaries and Coasts.

37. Ziegler, S.L., W.E. Atencio ŧ, J.M. Carroll, J.E. Byers. 2024 High parasite prevalence in an ecosystem engineer correlated with both local- and landscape-level factors. Oecologia:


36. Carroll, J.M., W. De La Torre, J.E. Kelly.  2023. Submarine groundwater discharge interacts with creek geomorphology to affect eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica growth rates in coastal Georgia. PeerJ 11: e15873

35. Batchelor S. ŧ, J.S. Harrison, S.E. Greiman, L.M. Treible, J.M. Carroll. 2023. Assessment of infection prevalence and intensity of disease-causing parasitic protozooans Perkensis marinus and Haplosporidium nelson in Georgia oysters. Microorganisms 11:1808


34. Whitesell**, E.A. Hunter, D.C. Rostal, J.M. Carroll. 2022. Direct and indirect pathways for environmental drivers of hatching success in the loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta). Marine Ecology Progress Series 701:119-132

33. Carroll, J.M., M.J. Whitesell**, E.A. Hunter, D.C. Rostal. 2022. First time's a charm? Loggerhead neophyte mothers have higher hatching success. Southeastern Naturalist.

32. Gobler, C.J., M.H. Doall, B.J. Peterson, C.S. Young, F. DeLaney, R.B. Wallace, S. Tomasetti, T. Currin, B. Morrell, E.M. Lamoureuz, B. Ueoka, A.W. Griffith, J.M. Carroll, D. Nanjappa, J. Jankowiak, J. Goleski, A.M. Famurulo, Y. Kang, E. Pikitch, C. Santora, S.M. Heck, D. Cottrell, D. Chin, R. Kulp. 2022. Rebuilding a collapsed hard clam (Mercenaria mercenaria) population, restoring seagrass meadows, and eradicating harmful algal blooms in a temperate lagoon using spawner sanctuaries. Frontiers in Marine Science  doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.911731 

31. Annis, W.K. **, E.A. Hunter, J.M. Carroll.  2022. Within-marsh and landscape features structure ribbed mussel distribution in Georgia, USA, marshes. Estuaries and Coasts. 

30. Brennan, M., L. McBrayer, J.M. Carroll, K.L. Krysko, A.A. Yackel Adams. 2022. New state and county records of introduced amphibians and reptiles of Georgia, USA. Herpetological Review. 53:272-273.

29. Kleinas, N.L. **, J.M. Carroll. 2022. Does the presence of boring sponge alter timing of sex change in slipper shell snails, Crepidula fornicata? Biological Bulletin 242: 238-249.

28. Carroll, J.M., S.T. Tettelbach, L.J. Jackson, R.E. Kulp, E. McCoy, B.J. Peterson. 2022. Variability in site characteristics linked to bay scallop abundance but not tethered survival: Implications for restoration. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology  546: 151663


27. Carroll, J.M., J.L. Kelly, L.M. Treible, T. Bliss. 2021. Submarine groundwater discharge as a potential driver of eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, populations in Georgia. Marine Environmental Research.

26. Dieudonne, J.*, J.M. Carroll. 2021. The impacts of boring sponges on oyster health across multiple sites and tidal heights. Estuaries and Coasts.

25. Carroll, J.M., R. Dashiel*, J.C. Watts**, E.A. Hunter. 2021. Tidal level affects the prevalence and impacts of pests and parasites on oysters (Crassostrea virginica) on intertidal reefs in Georgia, USA. Marine Biology.  168: 45 


24. Tettelbach, S.T., B.T. Furman, S.W.T. Hughes, J.M. Carroll, B.J. Peterson, J. Havelin, C.R.H. Tettelbach, R.M. Patricio. 2020. Attempted use of an uncommon bay scallop color morph for tracking the contribution of restoration efforts to population recovery. Restoration Ecology. doi: 10.1111/rec.13109 


23. Carroll, J.M., D.A. Keller, B.T. Furman and A.D. Stubler. 2019. Rough around the edges: lessons learned and future directions in marine edge studies. Current Landscape Ecology Reports 4: 91-102 DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.13154

22. Carroll, J.M., J.C. Clements. 2019. Scaredy-oysters: In situ documentation of an oyster behavioral response to predators. Southeastern Naturalist 18:N21-N26

21. Carroll, J.M., A.D. Stubler, C.M. Finelli, B.J. Peterson. 2019. The potential use of seagrass herbivory patterns as an indicator of herbivore community change after tropical marine protected area establishment. Gulf and Caribbean Research 30:SC1-SC6

20. Carroll, J.M., B.T. Furman, L.J. Jacksonŧ, B.J. Peterson. 2019. Propagule risk in a marine foundation species: seascape effects on Zostera marina seed predation. Journal of Ecology 107:1982-1994


19. Carroll, J.M., M.B. Church*, C.M. Finelli. 2018. Periwinkle climbing response to water- and airborne predator cues may depend on home-marsh geography. PeerJ 6:e5744. DOI 10.7717/peerj.5744 

18. Watts, J.C.**, J.M. Carroll, D.M. Munroe, C.F. Finelli. 2018. Examination of the potential relationship between boring sponges and pea crabs and their effects on eastern oyster condition. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 130:25-36.


17. Stubler, A.D., H. Robertson**, H.J. Styron, J.M. Carroll, C.M. Finelli. 2017. Reproductive and recruitment dynamics of clionaid sponges on oyster reefs in North Carolina. Invertebrate Biology. DOI: 10.1111/ivb.12188  



16. Carroll, J.M., K.A., O'Shaughnessy, G.A. Diedrich*, C.M. Finelli. 2015. Are oysters being bored to death? Influence of Cliona celata on Crassostrea virginica condition, growth and survival. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 117:31-44.

15. Tettelbach S.T., B.J. Petrson, J.M. Carroll, B.T. Furman, S.W.T. Hughes, J. Havelin, J.R. Europe, D.M. Bonal, A.J. Weinstock, C.F. Smith. 2015. Aspiring to an altered stable state: rebuilding of bay scallop populations and fisheries following intensive restoration. Marine Ecology Progress Series 529:121-136

14. Carroll, J.M., J.P. Marion*, C.M. Finelli. 2015. A field test on the effects of mesopredators and landscape setting on juvenile oyster, Crassostrea virginica, consumption on intertidal reefs. Marine Biology. 162:993-1003.

13. Carroll, J.M., K. Riddle*, K.E. Woods*, C.M. Finelli. 2015. Recruitment of the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, in response to settlement cues and predation in North Carolina. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 463:1-7 

12. Carroll, J.M., L.J. Jackson*, B.J. Peterson. 2015. The effect of increasing habitat complexity on bay scallop survival in the presence of different decapod crustacean predators. Estuaries and Coasts. 38: 1569-1579


11. Carroll, J.M., C.M. Finelli. 2014. Impacts of the ectoparasitic snail Boonea impressa on post-set juvenile oysters.  Journal of Molluscan Research. 81:161-163

10. Peterson, B.J., A.M. Fournier, B.T. Furman, J.M. Carroll. 2014. Hemigrapsus sanguineus in Long Island salt marshes: experimental evaluation of the interactions between an invasive crab and resident ecosystem engineers.  PeerJ: 2:e472; DOI10.7717/peerj.472

9. Tettelbach, S.T., K. Tetrault, J. Carroll. 2014. Efficacy of Netminder® Silicone Release Coating for Biofouling Reduction in Bay Scallop Grow-out and Comparative Effects on Scallop Survival, Growth and Reproduction. Aquaculture Research 45: 234-242


8. Peterson, B.J., E. Bricker, S.J. Brisbin, B.T. Furman, A.D. Stubler, J.M. Carroll, D.L. Berry, C.J. Gobler, A. Calladine, M. Waycott. 2013. Genetic diversity and gene flow in Zostera marina populations surrounding Long Island, New York, USA: No evidence of inbreeding, genetic degradation or population isolation. Aquatic Botany 110: 61-66

7. Carroll, J.M. and B.J. Peterson. 2013. Ecological trade-offs in seascape ecology: bay scallop survival and growth across a seagrass seascape. Landscape Ecology 28: 1401-1413

6. Carroll, J.M. and B.J. Peterson. 2013. Comparisons in demographic rates of bay scallops in eelgrass and the introduced alga, Codium fragile, in New York. Marine Biology 160:1451-1463

5. Tettelbach, S.T., B.J. Peterson, J.M. Carroll, S.W.T. Hughes, D. Bonal, A. Weinstock, J.R. Europe, B.T. Furman, C.F. Smith. 2013. Priming the larval pump: Resergence of bay scallop recruitment after initiation of intensive restoration efforts. Marine Ecology Progress Series 478: 153-172


4. Carroll, J.M., B.T. Furman, S.T. Tettelbach and B.J. Peterson. 2012. Balancing the edge effects budget: Bay scallop settlement and loss along a seagrass edge. Ecology 93:1637-1647 


3. Tettelbach, S.T.,  D. Barnes, J. Aldred, G. Rivara, D. Bonal, A. Weinstock, C. Fitzsimons-Diaz, J. Theil, A. Stark, M.C. Cammorata, K. Wejnert, R. Ames, J. Carroll. 2011. Utility of high-density plantings in bay scallop, Argopecten irradians irradians, restoration. Aquaculture International 19:715-739


2. Carroll, J.M., B.J. Peterson, D. Bonal, A. Weinstock, C.F. Smith, S.T. Tettelbach. 2010. Comparative survival of bay scallops in eelgrass and the introduces alga, Codium fragile, in a New York estuary. MarineBiology 157:249-259



1.Carroll, J., C.J. Gobler, B.J. Peterson.2008 Resource-restricted growth of eelgrass in New York estuaries: light limitation, and alleviation of nutrient stress by hard clams. Marine Ecology Progress Series 369:51-62

* denotes student co-author


Carroll, J.M., R.A. Cohen, W.K. Annis. 2020. The potential to use ribbed mussels Guekensia demissa for marsh restoration and living shorelines in Georgia. Technical Report submitted to Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Coastal Research Division in fulfillment of Coastal Incentive Grant Cycle 21-22

Carroll, J.M. 2012 The effects of habitat and predation on bay scallop populations in New York.  PhD. Dissertation. Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York

Carroll, J.M., S.T. Tettelbach, B.J. Peterson. 2011 Recruitment of bay scallops to artificial seagrass units after high density free planting to a spawner sanctuary in Hallock Bay, NY.  Proceedings of the 103rd Annual National Shellfish Association Meeting.  Journal of Shellfish Research 30:492

Carroll, J.M., B.J. Peterson, C. Smith, D. Bonal, A. Weisntock, S.T. Tettelbach. 2008 A bay scallop’s brave new world: Can the introduced Codium fragile act as an eelgrass surrogate? Conference Proceedings of the 100th Annual National Shellfish Association Meeting. Journal of Shellfish Research 27:995

Smith, C.F., S.T. Tettelbach, B.J. Peterson, J.M. Carroll. 2008 Effects of habitat on survival of free-planted bay scallops. Final Report prepared for the USEPA/NHEERL, Narragansett, RI