Prospective Students

Prospective Graduate StudentsThe Department of Biology at Georgia Southern offers a Master of Science degree, with over 50 graduate students with the department at any one time. The program is dedicated to the preparation of broadly trained, professional scientists. Students will achieve this reparation through the primary activities of coursework and research. The program offers a challenging, student‐centered curriculum that is research‐based, technology‐oriented, and that provides a foundation for life‐long learning. The program serves students interested in all areas of biology – from molecular or cellular biology to ecology and evolution.

For students interested in studying problems in coastal and benthic ecology, as well as applied questions pertaining to restoration and management, the coast of Georgia offers a unique opportunity for research. With a series of barrier islands, many with minimal development, large tidal ranges, large urban populations within watersheds emptying into Georgia's coasts, multiple fisheries, a push toward living and natural shorelines, and a new aquaculture industry primed to grow, coastal Georgia offers many opportunities to use basic ecological theory to applied research questions. A number of coastal habitats can be considered, including salt marshes, mud flats, and oyster reefs. But our projects go beyond these habitats and also potentially beyond Georgia! I am interested in accepting highly motivated students with excellent research experience and interest in addressing coastal issues.

Interested students should read the material on our research group’s web page, read several of the papers that have come out of our lab and determine if our interests are a good match. I am comfortable accepting students interested in any area of benthic community ecology, involving either empirical or theoretical approaches. At the time of application, I do not expect students to know their research topic, but I do expect students to have an idea of the types of questions that interest them. Additionally, interested applicants should Check out the websites for the Department of Biology and the Graduate School for more information and important deadlines and specific application requirements. If after reading this and the other lab information, you are interested in applying to my lab, contact me via email at

Prospective Undergraduates

Are you an undergraduate student with interests in marine and benthic ecology? Are you hoping to gain valuable lab and research experience to help you find a job or a graduate program once you move on from Georgia Southern? In my lab, students can participate in both lab and field studies with commercially and ecologically important shellfish species, learn lab techniques, and have the opportunity to work on independent research projects. If you are interested, please contact me.