
*** Any homework assignments will be listed in the student planner and on Power School. ***

Reading: Students will read the main story in My Book for homework each week. This is usually assigned on

Wednesday or Thursday. Students will mark the date on their reading bookmark. Please initial the

bookmark in the space provided. (2 points)

Math: Students will have math homework once or twice per week. This will be a workbook page that provides extra

practice of the skill from that day's lesson. (2-4 points)

Spelling: There is no required spelling homework. However, students are encouraged to practice the spelling words

on Spelling City. To practice the words specific to my class, students can access Spelling City from the

ELA Google Classroom. This will direct them to all of the spelling lists with free games to practice the


Chromebooks: Students are to charge their Chromebook each night at home and bring their Chromebook to school

each day with a full charge. Charging cords are to be kept at home until the end of the school year.