

Develop an Audit tool and associated guidance. Test the audit tool to identify improvements; Refine the tool; Gather learning

Roll out Version 2 across the CMP and CCNet communities. Establish a regular process of community-wide auditing in support of effectiveness assessment

Lead: Sheila O'Connor and Elizabeth O'Neill

Key/Draft Products

Use this Conservation audit tool to analyze strengths and weaknesses in conservation programs against the Open Standards and define what changes are needed to adapt management for better outcomes.

Developed and refined for CMP by Elizabeth O’Neill and Sheila O’Connor, this excel-based tool organizes evaluation, guides auditors through the process and automates reporting outputs.

The Open Standards set teams up for evaluations and assessments. Results chains provide frameworks for identifying key evaluation questions. Where teams wish to evaluate but did not start out with an explicit theory of change, results chains may be generated retrospectively to frame key questions for evaluation.

2020 Collaborative Learning Materials

CMP Audits 2020 Final Report w/Links to Products

2020 Progress Report

February 2020 Webinar

2019 Collaborative Learning Materials

CMP Conservation Audits Learning Initiative Summary Report Dec 2019.pptx
CMP Conservation Audit Tool User Testing Report - Durrell 2019.pdf
Cons audits all testing synthesis of testers feedback.xlsx
CMP Conservation Audit Tool Evaluation EWT ICF final 19Nov2019.docx
CMP Conservation Audit Tool Broadsheet 20191223.pdf