Ugly Site

Post date: May 11, 2012 10:56:36 PM

I really don't like this site. Partially just because I think it's really ugly but also partially because the customization interface for Google Sites is kinda crap. Lastly, I screwed around a while but was never able to figure out how to make the Google Sites site respond as something like Which sorta defeats the purpose of having registered that domain.

The point of this is that I'm evaluating other free online hosts. I've built the site over on a host called weebly. It's currently living at It, of course, doesn't really look a whole lot better than this one does but it's a little cleaner. Give it a look, Drop me an email at or via the contact page if you have any feedback on it.

One thing I'm hoping will be a good end result of this is that perhaps now when I share a link via google plus or facebook it might actually use the current summary. Or even better the summary of the actual post instead of what it does now which is use a very old version of the text on the main page.

I'm currently migrating my announcements(blog posts) from the google sites location to the new weebly site. Unfortunately that's a painfully manual process. I'm about 1/3 of the way done and will likely change to point to weebly when I am through.