Tutorial 3: Reading from the Android Camera and Applying Image Recognition to the Captured Frames - placeholder

Post date: Mar 12, 2012 10:35:50 PM

Because I hate stumbling across a tutorial that is exactly 100% the thing I need only to find that it says "this is a work in progress" and doesn't actually include the part I need I want to put a placeholder here while I work on a realy tutorial page rather than do the same.

For object recognition I did little more than take the facial recognition code out of the facedetect sample and the read a frame code out of tuturial 1. basic - 1. Add OpenCV Then I stuck the facedetect code into the method which modifies the preview image. You can find it from the case statement which determines if you selected RGB, Greyscale or Carey(edge detection.) I'm even leaving the label at the top of the preview frame though I'm changing the text. See Tutorial 2/The OpenCV Android Tutorial for getting the sample code into Eclipse and rolling.

Return to part two or continue to part four.