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Index Number: MEDCIPC

Code for EBU-2 :

Code for EBU-2 B39 (Component room):

Important Contacts

Sponsor Contact:

Michael Chang, MD


Index #: MEDCIPC

Original Project Description

Gastroenterologists procedural work load has nearly doubled over the past 20 years, now occupying 40-60% of all clinical work hours. Based on survey data from 2017 nearly 90% of gastroenterologists will experience musculoskeletal pain related to endoscopy and over 20% will require time off of work. Up to 5-15% of gastroenterologists will require surgery for their injuries. These injuries are typically related to repetitive motion, so called “overuse” injuries. Ergonomic studies in other fields of physical work have shown work related injuries are related to and optimize workloads to reduce chance for injury.

Prior studies have shown injury also occurs from repeated high loads endured by the hands and wrists. We are interested in studying these workloads in the finger pinch forces during endoscopic procedures through the development of a wireless glove which is able to measure pinch forces and finger pressures in the left and right hands

Project Management - Progress Reports, Risk Reduction, and Schedules

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