Application Process

Become A Sports Official

Sports officiating is a challenging job, but there are great rewards. To be a successful official, you will need mental toughness, good people skills and thick skin. Sports officiating will inherently teach you all of those skills and much more. If you love sports, you will have the best view of the game as an official. More importantly, officiating will teach you how to view the games in a whole new light – one that emphasizes fairness, integrity, decisiveness and sound judgement. Get ready to challenge yourself and start one of the most rewarding jobs you’ll ever have!

Why choose to be an official?

Love of the Sport

Most officials start out as athletes or sports fans or both. We truly enjoy the intricacies of the sports we work. As an official, you won’t just be watching any more, you’ll be part of the game, with the best view in the house.

Get in the Game

Maybe you want to stay engaged and a part of the game you loved to play, or maybe you are looking get more engaged in the game your kids are playing. Either way, being an official will give you access to, and an appreciation for, the rules and strategies of the games you officiate like nothing else can.

Stay Active

Who doesn’t like getting paid to exercise? You won’t need much motivation to work out through officiating because as you get in better shape, you’ll become a better official.

Extra Money

There is no better part-time job or hobby for you to make extra money doing something you enjoy than through officiating. It’s the perfect extra gig for anyone from a high school student, to a parent to a retiree.


Every game — no matter the venue, player abilities or teams — is a challenge. Nothing is mundane. It’s a rush to be in the moment and have to make the big decision.

Life Skills

Officiating teaches independent thinking and the ability to see the big picture — a skill that translates outside of officiating. It also requires the dedication, togetherness and ability to work as team that is important everywhere.

Camaraderie and Community

The fellowship and humor officials share with one another are incomparable. You’ll quickly realize there is no community like officials. When it comes down to it, during a game, your only true friends are the officials you’re working with. Many of them will become your closest friends — lifelong friends.

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