Sports Officiating

Welcome to Sports Officiating! This course will provide the student with the knowledge and expertise necessary to officiate sports at an introductory level. It includes the basic skills of officiating, rules and regulations of team sports, game play, and guidelines for a variety of sports including soccer, baseball/softball, basketball, volleyball, wrestling, and football. In addition, students will learn the hand signals for each sport, as well as the role a sports official plays in maintaining fair play. This will help you become a sport official. You will learn basic CPR/AED first aid.


▪ Black or blue pens, # 2 pencils

▪ Notebook for note taking

▪ 1---3 brad folder with pockets for the classroom

▪ Dress out clothes (Purple t-shirt, shorts, and tennis shoes). These MUST be school appropriate!!!

• If you plan to become certified and officiate for the Valley Vista home games or any other activity representing the VVHS sports officiating program, you must purchase the official T-shirt from Universal Athletics. *You may also purchase T-shirt for class. All purchases must be made by Aug. 20th.


Assessments/Project/Performance 80%

● Classwork/Homework 10%

● Final Exam 10%


1. Be Responsible: Come to class with all materials that will be needed for the day. Leaving class to retrieve materials may result in a tardy.

2. Be Respectful: Treat your fellow students and myself with respect. Your participation and interaction in class will be taken as a homework grade periodically..

a. Respect the fact... that the classroom is used by other students and classes. Please make sure the area around your desk is neat when you leave the classroom.

b. Respect the property of others. DO NOT vandalize the belongings of other students, the classroom or the school!


* Room 1123/ Big Gym * Units will start in the classroom. Once ALL classroom work is completed we will spend time in the gym or outside area applying what we have learned.


● Attend class on time and be prepared to work!!!

● Dress out in the proper attire and participate in class!!!

● Stay with the class when traveling to and from activity areas.

● Use appropriate behavior and language!!! Inappropriate language WILL NOT be tolerated! (You are representing Coach Lawler’s class and Valley Vista, do so to the best of your ability or better!)

● Have a positive attitude and a great work ethic!!! Complaining will not be accepted.

● If a student is disruptive, they will be asked to step outside the room for a brief discussion and appropriate actions will be taken.

● NO food (including candy) or drinks will be allowed in the classroom or the gym. There is one EXCEPTION... you may have a water bottle!

● BACKPACKS/Books---- are allowed only in the classroom. In the classroom, I ask that you put these under your desk and out of the way of others and the isles!

● In the gym, you do have enough room in your PE locker to store these items.

● Coaches will NOT store items in our offices! YOU are responsible for your items!

● COMMUNICATE with me!!!—It is YOUR responsibility!


BE RESPONSIBLE!!!----BE ON TIME!!! Students are required to be IN their seat when the bell rings. If a student is tardy they will be sent to sweep.


Late work is accepted until the end of the unit. All late assignments must be turned in on or before the day of the Post Unit Assessment. A grade of “0” will be entered in the grade book until the assignment is turned in.


It is the STUDENT’S responsibility to obtain all make-up work. The absent student may schedule a time to meet with Coach Lawler to obtain any assignments they will miss. The student will have 2 days for each absence to complete the make-up work. A grade of “M” will be given in place of the grade to indicate make up work needs to be complete.

The students will have 2 days for each absence to complete the make-up work. If the student does not complete the work in the allotted time, a “0” will be given.

PARTICIPATION / DRESSING OUT: You will receive a daily grade for your class preparation and participation!!!

~ Each student must dress out and participate each day each day we use the PE facility.

~ Failure to participate without a proper note will result in points being deducted from your grade.

~Participation requires good work effort in this class. After being warned for a lack of effort, if effort is not improved, points will be deducted from your grade.

~Dressing out consists of a Purple T-shirt, shorts, and tennis shoes. Tennis shoes are the only shoes to be worn in the gym. (Sandals, flip-flops or dress shoes are not acceptable). Points will be deducted if the student does not dress out in the appropriate attire!

~All students must stay with the class at all times. A doctor’s note may not excuse a student from going outside with the rest of the class, regardless of the weather.

~Sport Officiating class will go outside and appropriate attire is the responsibility of the student. The class will not go out when the temperature is colder than freezing or if it is raining.

~ JEWELRY ---. This is a safety concern. I suggested that students place their jewelry in a small bag and keep it locked up in THEIR LOCKER. It is the student’s responsibility to lock their personal items up.

~Safety and proper techniques are a must in this class. ~Horseplay WILL NOT be tolerated.

~Unexcused absences will be counted against you.


ABSOLUTELY NO---FOOD, CANDY, DRINKS (Except A WATER BOTTLE) ~ ALL bags, backpacks, or purses must remain in the locker room!

LOCKER ROOM/ VALUABLES: ~ Each student will be issued a small locker. This is your locker. It is NO ONE else’s!!! ~ Locks will be assigned to each student. NO locks from home!!!

~ Do not tell anyone your locker combination. DO NOT share a locker with anyone. It will compromise the security of the lockers.

~ Do not leave valuables in the locker room unattended.

~ Make sure you LOCK your locker!!!

*Failure to comply with these rules may result in theft of your personal items.

Valley Vista High School & the Physical Education department is not responsible for items lost.

EQUIPMENT: Take care of ALL equipment! ANY miss-use of equipment will result in points deducted from your grade. Students that break equipment due to miss-use will owe a fine for replacing the equipment!

ELECTRONIC DEVICES/CELL PHONES: Please be responsible and follow the VV policy. Any usage allowed in the classroom or fitness areas will be determined by teacher discretion!! If a student needs to use a phone, they may use the phone in the main office or a classroom phone with the teacher's’ permission.


If you have any questions, please feel free to call or email.

(623) 523-4929/4824.

Office Hours and Location: (Drop in or by appointment)

6:45 a..m.-7:15 a.m. and 2:15 p.m. – 2:40 p.m./ Gym or Rm. 1123