9th Grade Girls PE

Physical Education

Name: Susan Lawler

Email: susan.lawler@dysart.org

Room Number: Gym/1123

Schoology: dysart.schoology.com

Website: https://sites.google.com/dysart.org/coachlawler/home

Course Introduction

Students will develop lifelong skills in physical fitness, cardiovascular strength and endurance, muscular strength and endurance, nutrition, team and individual sports. Our lessons will be aligned with the Arizona State Standards:


Course Expectations

The major objectives of the Physical Education program are to develop a positive attitude towards activity and wellness. The students will develop skills and a knowledge base necessary to participate in lifelong leisure activity to aid in healthy productive lifestyles.

Injuries and Doctor Notes

Report all injuries to the instructor immediately. Give all doctor and parent notes (teachers will not accept parent notes) to the school nurse when you arrive at school in the morning. Also, notify your class instructor. If you have an inhaler you must have the paperwork filled out in the nurse’s office.

**if your child is unable to participate for more than 3 weeks, then a meeting will be held to discuss possible class changes such as becoming a TA or removal from class. They will not be able to get credit for an activity based class without full participation.

School-wide Expectations

Academic Honesty

Plagiarism includes the act of intentionally using information or property of another, or knowingly sharing academic information to gain an unfair advantage. To steal and pass off the ideas or words of another as one’s own. Discipline for academic dishonesty may result in a loss of credit for the assignment and up to a 5 day suspension.

Passes & Sweep

Students must be in their assigned area by the final bell or they will be given a tardy or swept. Students will have 7 minutes to dress for class in required uniform.


Class will consist of warm-ups/exercises, instruction, skill practice, competition/workout and evaluation. Students will have 7-10 minutes to dress back into their regular school clothes. All students must remain in the designated area under the supervision of the staff until the bell rings. Failure to do so will result in loss of participation credit and possible disciplinary action.

Schoology is a content management system that will contain classroom information, assignments, and other items used in

class. Parents also have the opportunity to log-in with a parent account to see their child’s progress and grades. To access

schoology, visit dysart.schoology.com. To find out more information on how to access schoology as a parent please

visit http://bit.ly/2mG3hWR

Electronic Devices

Our classroom is equipped with a Chromebook cart. Any technology use will be limited to the Chromebook. All personal cell phones, headphones, etc. should be in your bag and out of sight. Please be sure to silence all devices before putting them away. Students will be expected to handle their assigned Chromebook in accordance with posted school norms and procedures


Students are strongly encouraged to attend class regularly. If a student has an excused absence it is the

student’s responsibility to complete any assignment, quiz or exam that was missed. When a student is absent,

they have the number of days that they were absent to turn in the missing assignment or take a test.

DUSD Attendance Procedure: A student who is absent from any class nine (9) or more times, either excused or

unexcused, per semester may not receive academic credit for that class. (A.R.S. 15-802, 15-803)

Grading and Retesting Policy

Absent Make-up Opportunities

Make up opportunities are available by accessing teacher Schoology pages and selecting the Make-ups for missed classed days tab. Follow the instructions and submit assignments to instructors. Make-ups must be completed for students prior to the end of the current teaching unit. Students will only be allowed to make up a total of 5 written assignments per semester for absent days (5 absent days = 5 make-up essays). After this a student must attend fitness makeup before or after school at the teachers discretion.

Late Work

Classwork/Homework assignments will be accepted within 1 week of the assigned due date without a grade penalty. Work will not be accepted beyond 1 week after the assigned due date. Extensions may be granted at teacher's discretion.


Students will be given at least one opportunity to demonstrate mastery of specific standards on unit tests. Any retake must be completed prior to the start of the next teaching unit. The grades reflected in the gradebook will be the best of all attempts. Retesting guidelines are below:

  • Required evidence of tutoring and the current unit worksheet must have been completed.
  • For unit exams and quizzes, test correctives have been completed.

100-90= A

89-80= B

79-70= C

69-60= D

Below 59= F

M= (Missing, Incomplete= 0 until made up

0= Academic dishonesty or the end of each quarter for

missing assignments.

Locker Room

The locker room is to be kept clean. Put your trash in a trash can, not in an empty locker. Walk in the shower area and locker room to prevent accidents. Do not bring food into the gym or the locker room. Do not bring any drinks into the gym or locker room other than a water bottle. Any destruction of Valley Vista property will not be tolerated!

Participation Points: TOTAL OF 10 POINTS DAILY

  • PUNCTUALITY (2 points): reports for warm-up/attendance on time (before and after dressing). AZ #4 & 5
  • SOCIAL SKILLS/WORK ETHICS (3 points): good sportsmanship, full participation in activity. AZ#1-5
  • CLASS PROCEDURES (5 points): follow directions/procedures, dresses out in complete uniform, proper use of facilities/equipment. AZ #1-5
    • If you do not bring your own uniform then you may borrow a loaner. If you borrow a loaner uniform you will lose 5 points for that day.

Required Uniform

You are required to change from your school clothes into proper dress for PE. The students will need to purchase a P.E. uniform. The uniform will be black basketball shorts and a plain GREY sleeved T-shirt with no alterations or tears. There will be NO leggings or tights allowed as uniform for PE. If you forget your uniform, you must borrow a uniform in the PE office with your ID and return that set immediately following the class period for laundering by the department. All borrowing must be done the first 3 minutes after dismissed to the locker room and must not make a student late for participation. Points will be deducted after the 3 minute timeline. All uniforms should have the student’s last name labeled on them. ATHLETIC SHOES WITH LACES TIED MUST BE WORN IN ALL PE CLASSES, NO SANDALS ALLOWED.