Facts for Students

  1. You WILL have fun.
  2. Your class will be living at the N.E.E.D. Academy located at the old Pamet Coast Guard station in Truro, near Ballston Beach.
  3. N.E.E.D. Academy stands for National Environmental Education Development Academy.
  4. On the day you leave for Truro, you will come to school at the normal time (or maybe a FEW minutes early) with ALL of your gear for the week. Be nice to your parent when they drop you off. They will miss you while you are gone.
  5. Though you won't be in the classroom, your week in Truro is considered school. You will learn a lot, but you'll be too busy having fun to notice.
  6. Dress for success. Having appropriate clothing makes all the difference. Your clothes do not need to be new, fancy, or fashionable. They should be comfortable, and weather appropriate; layers, layers, layers, especially during the colder months. It always feels about 10 degrees colder on the outer beaches than it does at home.
  7. You are not waterproof, so bring an outer layer that is. We go outside in EVERY kind of weather.
  8. You need a comfortable pair of walking shoes. You also may want to bring a pair of old shoes or boots that can get mucky when we go to the pond.
  9. Cellphones, video games, and music players are NOT allowed.
  10. You CAN bring a camera. Disposable cameras are recommended.
  11. No parents allowed. There are four teachers, a director and your classroom teacher who will take care of you.
  12. If you get sick we will take care of you. If you are too sick to be at school, we will call your parents and have them pick you up.
  13. If you are feeling nervous, that's normal. Some of your friends are feeling nervous too.
  14. If you are excited to be away from your brothers and sisters for the week, that's normal too. They are just as excited as you are.
  15. The food is great and there is plenty of it. No one has ever come home hungry.
  16. Sleeping in a bunk room with ten of your friends can take a little getting used to. Bring your normal pillow from home, a small stuffed animal, or another comfort item to help you settle into your bunk bed and get to sleep.
  17. Please read the "What to Bring" list (on the permission slip) carefully. These items will help you to have a comfortable, fun, exciting week.
  18. The bus will bring you back to school at the end of your Seashore trip. Your parent should pick you and your luggage up at school.