Middle School

Douglas County offers a continuum of programming options for gifted/high potential learners based on a student's areas of strength and learning needs. Students utilize higher-level thinking through interdisciplinary units and content-specific academic units. Advanced courses are designed to address the needs of gifted/high potential middle school students in two core content areas, Mathematics and Language Arts. Staff at the elementary and middle levels collaborate using a body of evidence to inform placement decisions as students transition from elementary to middle school.


Due to the intensive nature of the advanced middle school courses, a student must demonstrate a very high level of intellectual ability to be successful in these courses. This is a necessary component of the placement for middle school students along with demonstrated mastery of pre-requisite skills and a clear academic need for advanced coursework.

In addition to advanced courses, student needs may be addressed through a variety of instructional practices which include:

  • World class instruction (Best practices)
  • Affective guidance
  • Differentiated curriculum, instruction, & assessment
  • Flexible pacing & grouping
  • Goal setting for college planning
  • Pre-assessment & compacting
  • Depth & complexity of content
  • Access to enrichment opportunities


The process for placement decisions for advanced learners transitioning from elementary to middle school has been strengthened and streamlined to more closely reflect the needs of the student. Staff at the elementary and middle levels collaborate, using a body of evidence to inform placement decisions. This process aligns with the transition process already in place and is consistent among all feeder areas in the district.