7/8 Singers' Information

Who can join?

All Seventh and Eighth Grade students.  There are no auditions. All are welcome!

When are rehearsals? 

Rehearsals are every Thursday from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. in room 160.  Students are dismissed in time to catch the activity bus.

Attendance Policy

You are expected to attend one rehearsal every week. Students must attend 80% of the rehearsals in order to come on the field trips. Attendance will also determine who gets a solo.

What if I can’t attend a rehearsal?

If you cannot attend a rehearsal because of a conflict, email Mrs. Broeker and let her know why you will not be at rehearsal.

When do we perform?

The 7th and 8th Grade Singers performs at two formal concerts with the Lincoln performing groups in December and in April. We sing for an all-school assemblies in December and May.  During a school day in May, we sing at Field, Franklin, and Carpenter schools.  There will be other performance opportunities and field trips throughout the school year.

We have performed at the Allstate Arena! The Chicago Fine Arts Building Gala, and many local businesses.