Greeting & Building Rapport

Please review the following on the Greeting and Building Rapport section of the Call Flow.

**This is the assignment and quiz section of the Call Flow training topic page.

Please complete to following to demonstrate your knowledge and proficiency of the Call Flow.

1. Assignment

Please complete the following assignment. Once completed show your work to your mentor/manager.

1. Write down the greeting you feel is most appropriate. Use your greeting when you answer inbound phone calls.

2. Make a running list of ownership phrases you can use. Make your list readily available to reference when you are on calls.

3. Always have a pen and paper near your phone. This will allow you to write down the customers name and take other notes.

4. Schedule time with your mentor/manager to role play these skills. You should role play and coach on them until they are mastered.

5. Find a call that demonstrates your proficiency with these skills and send it to your mentor/manager.

2. Quiz

Please complete the following quiz. Results can be seen after submitting the quiz. (Be sure to click on the "View Your Score" Link on the submission confirmation page.)