Unit 3: Colonization

Unit 3 PowerPoint - Colonization

Unit 3 PowerPoint Notes

Helpful Videos:

Copy of Jamestown .mov
Copy of Copy of Plymouth Colony.mov
Copy of 13 Colonies .mov

Unit 3 Vocabulary:

Colony: A group of settlements far from, but ruled by, the home country.

Charter: A legal document that gives permission to explore, settle, and govern land.

Sir Walter Raleigh: Founder of the first English colony in North America at Roanoke Island

Amadas and Barlowe: Selected by Sir Walter Raleigh as captains of the two ship fleet that sailed from Plymouth

Ralph Lane: Military leader of Roanoke colony after Richard Grenville returned to England for more supplies

Francis Drake: English sea captain (sea dog) who raided Spanish ships and circled the globe

Queen Elizabeth: The Queen of England.

Manteo and Wanchese: Native Americans who accompanied explorers back to England

John White: Member of Ralph Lane colony at Roanoke and leader of second expedition to Roanoke, which became the “Lost Colony”

Virginia Dare: First child to be born to English parents in North America

Croatoan: An island near Roanoke Island which John White’s colonists may have visited and the name of the people who lived there.

Lost Colony: John White’s colony on Roanoke island that disappeared while he was away for 3 years.

Joint-Stock Company: A business that is owned by many people. Colonists used these to fund risky ventures

John Smith: Captain who forced colonists to plant crops and build at Jamestown. Also established friendly relations and trade with Native Americans.

John Rolfe: Farmer who married Pocahontas. The marriage gave temporary peace for eight years. Colony could now focus on growing crops and improving life instead.

Pocahontas: Daughter of powerful chief who was kidnapped. Married John Rolfe.

Apprentice: People who learn a trade from skilled workers. Sent from England to satisfy need for more workers.

Indentured Servant: A person who worked without pay for a certain number of years in return for passage to a colony, clothing, food, and shelter

House of Burgesses: The group of elected officials in Jamestown. Their success became a model for later English colonies

William Penn: Quaker founder of Pennsylvania colony

Quakers: Member of the religious sect also known as the Society of Friends

Lord Baltimore: Began the colony of Maryland

James Oglethorpe: Founder of the colony of Georgia

Plantation: A large farm on which crops are grown for sale

Middle Passage: The difficult journey from Africa to America over the Atlantic Ocean

Separatist: A person who wanted to separate from the official Church of England

Pilgrim: A person who makes a journey for religious purposes, also the founders of Plymouth Colony. (Religious Group)

Mayflower Compact: The document in which the Pilgrims agreed to set up a government for the colony of Plymouth

Puritans: A person who wanted to change and “purify” the Church of England. (Religious Group)

Triangular Trade: Triangle-shaped trade routes among the colonies, the West Indies, Africa and Europe.