Unit 10: Industrial Revolution

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Unit 10 PowerPoint Notes

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Unit 10 Industrialization (Ch. 17 & 18)

1. Industrial Revolution= The Time when people switched from making goods by hands to manufacturing goods with machines

2. Homestead Act= 1862 act of congress that gave free land in the west to anyone who would farm for 5 years

3. Monopoly= Complete Control over an industry by one person or company.

4. Urbanization=Movement of people from rural areas to cities

5. Progressivism= Reform Movement seeking to return control of Gov't to the People, restore economy and protect

6. Sherman Antitrust Act= Law that made it Illegal for a company or companies working together to control an industry

7. Defraud= To deprive someone of something by dishonesty, usually money

8. Transcontinental Railroad=Railroad that connected the atlantic & pacific coast

9. Andrew Carnegie= The man most responsible for the growth of the U.S steel industry. Had a Monopoly in Steel

10.Corporations=Company that is owned by a group of people.

11.John D. Rockefeller= A ohio businessman who organized a monopoly of the oil Industry called Standard Oil

12.Thomas Edison= Man that has over 1089 patents. Invented the Light Bulb

13.Immigration= The movement of people from one country to another (the United States)

14.Tenements= Apartment Buildings with very small rooms with no windows. Very Cramped

15.Inflation= A rise in price as people charged more money for the same services. Income Increases, same debt

16.Populism=A political philosophy that enforced change focusing on meeting the needs of the common people.

17.Labor Unions= Organization that helped their members bargain for better wages & conditions

18.Strike=The action by labor unions that workers stopped working as a protest.

19.Prohibition=Forbidding alcohol to be sold or produced.

20.Muckrakers= Journalists that set out to expose corruption such as child labor and factory conditions.

21.Robber Barons= Person that ruthlessly took advantage of workers and destroyed competition in order to be Rich

22.Ida Tarbell= Woman Who exposed Rockefeller's monopoly, she stated the company oppressed and defrauded public

23.Upton Sinclair= Man who exposed the meatpacking industry in Chicago.

24.Ellis Island =Place where a lot of Immigrants came into america. They entered through the New York Harbor

25.Alexander Graham Bell= Inventor of the Telephone