
Term Four 2021:




1) With a partner (from your spelling level if possible), choose a spelling word of 7 letters or more (two words if you need to) from your list ...perhaps one you REALLY need to focus on.

2) With a partner complete all the exercises that match the letters of your word...IN SEQUENCE!

3) REMEMBER to stretch for 1-2min when you have finished spelling your words.

A=Jog on the spot for 60 seconds

B= 10 x 10 second Knee Lifts (i.e. jog for 10 seconds then 10 knee lifts, fast, then jog-do this ten times)

C= 25x Calf Raisers

D= 25x Electric Slides

E= 25x Lunges (deep with the knee)

F= 25x Alternate Lunges

G= 25x Side Lunges

H= 25x Side Slides

I= 50x Hopping On on One Foot (50 each side)

J= 50x Arm Circles

K= 25x Jumping Jacks

L= 25x Star Jumps

M= 15x Squat Jumps

N= 15x Squats

O= Bear Walk the length of netball or basketball court.

P= Push-Up Crawl the width of netball or basketball court.

Q= Basketball Dribbles the length of netball or basketball court 10 times.

R= Crab Crawl the length of netball or basketball court.

S= 25x Mountain Climbers (one equals both legs)

T= 25x Curl Ups (Sit Ups)

U= 15x Squat Thrusts

V= 20x Standing Basketball Shots.

W= 100x skips

X= 15x Bicycle Pumps

Y=Reaction Wall-one minute continuous (with a different colour each time)

Z=30 second rest.
