Gifted Programs

Gifted Program

Action is for students who have the potential to function at a superior level of performance. Students are grouped with other gifted students in a small group setting two and one half- hours per week.

The team follows a child study process when you have concerns about your child’s education, which may lead to a referral for special education services or gifted programming.

First, please contact the child’s teacher(s) to discuss your concerns. If your child is having difficulty, they may be referred to the Child Study Team (CST) at the elementary level. This team works together to provide interventions, adaptations, and assistance to enable the student to make adequate academic progress. The Child Study Team reviews these interventions to determine whether additional information and /or an evaluation is needed. The Child Study Team process ensures that each student is educated in the least restricted environment.

The information collected and reviewed consists of work samples, standardized exam results, curriculum based assessment, performance based assessment, Accelerated Reader, current grades, and a description of adaptations made by the teacher or teachers. For gifted referrals, a teacher “input form” and a description of gifted characteristics observed is also reviewed. After reviewing the information, the Child Study Team meets to determine whether further assessment is warranted.

It is imperative to remember that prior to an evaluation for special education services, the Pennsylvania State Board of Education (22.PA Code Chapters 14 and 432) Standards and Regulations for Special Education Programs and Services mandates that interventions or adaptations be provided and the results documented prior to conducting a formal evaluation for special education services.

For gifted education services, the Pennsylvania State Board of Education (22.PA Code Chapter 16) Standards and Regulations require that a child have an IQ score of 130 or higher on a standardized intelligence test, and/ or multiple criteria. This includes: achievement and test scores, acquisition and retention rates, demonstrated achievement, performance or expertise in one or more academic areas and higher level thinking skills. Academic creativity, leadership skills, academic interest areas, communication skills, and expertise in technology can be evaluated. The student must also demonstrate the need for individualized instruction. If you have any questions about the referral process, please contact the principal.